November 29, 2001

Welcome to Mason-Dixon Line’s

Civil War Clothing


In place of a fashion plate this month, I decided to use photographs of actual garments made during the Civil War era. These were taken at the Smithsonian American History Museum.

Front Bodice
Back Bodice

This is a lovely example of the front and back of a form-fitting bodice.


Mary Todd Lincoln Dress” BORDER=3  HEIGHT=
Dress owned by Mary Todd Lincoln
Zouve Outfit
Many of you will recognize this ladies' Zouave outfit.


Additional Resources for Reenactors and Researchers

From recipes that please the palate.
To those that heal an ailment, this is the page that says it all.

Discover your culinary delights!
Civil War Recipes for Any Occasion!

Unearth little known facts about the US Civil War.
Now Featuring: Does the Camera Ever Lie?

Enhance your Living History campsite.
Contents include “Recipes for the campsite,” well-researched information for “The field doctor,” “Portraits of War”, “Proper military attire,” and more!

Civil War Crafts

Want to know more about Women and the Civil War?

Features Fashion Plate with descriptions and miscellaneous Civil War era garments

Read the memoirs of Archibald Atkinson, Jr.,
A doctor who served with the Confederate Army.

The Health Department
Features Civil War Era Medicine and Home Remedies.

The Web Ring Community
Provides Easy Access to American Civil War Information.

Links to the Best Civil War Sites on the Web.

Go Home!

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